Новосядлий Богдан Степанович, д.ф.-м.н., проф.
Тел.: 2-60-03-95
Факс: 2-60-03-95
E-mail: bohdan.novosyadlyj_AT_lnu.edu.ua

Заст. директора з наукової роботи
Стоділка Мирослав Іванович, д.ф.-м.н., ст.н.сп.
Тел.: 239-4655
E-mail: myroslav.stodilka_AT_lnu.edu.ua

Заст. директора з адміністративно-господарської роботи
Благодир Ярослав Тимофійович, пров.інж
Тел.: (032)-260-03-93
E-mail: ja.blagod@gmail.com
The scientific and technological Council of the Astronomical Observatory
The scientific and technological Council is a collegial body dealing with the key issues of the organization and development of the scientific Observatory, offers regarding the personnel issues, the ones connected with training highly-qualified specialists etc. The Council consists of: the managing chief of the council, its deputies, the heads of the departments, scientific supervisors, 1-2 major specialists of other astronomical establishments (is they agree). The members of the Scientific and technological council of the Observatory are approved by the university chancellor for the period of up to 3 years. The head of the Scientific and Research Council is its managing chief.
The scientific and technological Council:- Hears and approves annual reports of the head of the Council;
- Considers issues on replacing the positions of the heads of the departments and scientific supervisors;
- Discusses the main directions of the scientific research of the Observatory, their topics and reports on performance;
- Considers and approves inquiries on financial support of the research and scientific work from the state budget fund and hears its performance reports;
- Compiles references regarding the members of the Certification Board;
- Recommends the scientific supervisors of the Ph.D. students and researchers, approves the dissertation thesis topics;
- With the majority of two thirds of the council members’ voices, the latter may raise a question on suspending the managing chief of the council, their deputies and heads of the departments’;
- Introduces proposals on amendments to the Provision on the Astronomical observatory;
- Considers other issues on the Observatory activity in compliance with its powers.